Thursday 23 September 2010

Temporary Update Hiatus

To all visitors of my blog:

I feel both really annoyed and sad at what I'm about to say, but as of today (23/09/10) I'm not going to be updating my blog for a while. The main reason is that I have been reluctant to update the blog, and I actually feel quite mad at myself for not updating the entries (the last one was nine days ago!). I've tried to set myself targets, but I've been seriously distracted by personal issues and a general feeling of laziness.

I should get back round to updating my blog once I've got myself sorted out. But at the moment, there won't be anything new on here for a while (which is a shame, as I've got some great uploads that won't be seen. Use this link in the meantime.)

Take care,



  1. That's bad, just found this blog and it looks awesome.

  2. Gutted! I have only just discovered the blog, and although I am enjoying trolling through the old posts it would be great to know if you were ever coming back?
